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Tuesday 24 November 2015

4 Nuggets to staying positive after few bad relationships.

How do you react when your relationship took a turn for the worst?
Discouragement is inevitable , it is not an easy thing to face , but standing strong in the face of dissapointment and picking yourself up afterwards is crucial to having a successful relationship.

The only problem is , you have had one bad relationship after another and now you are questioning if staying single is actually more fun than trying to go into another relationship.

Will I ever find the one? Am I just choosing the worst person? Is something wrong with me?
Don't be discouraged , there is nothing fundamentally wrong with you that makes you unlovable.

Negative situations happens but our ability to learn the power of positive thinking helps us stay positive even in our dark periods.
You don't have an idea of what I've passed through or what am passing through, trust me I do... Wound doesn't heal instantly, it takes time to heal only if you give it proper medication.

Here! Am going to share some tips to help you stay positive after a few bad relationship.

(1) Be mindful of yourself
   Mindfulness helps you develop a deeper level of gratitude, which has all sorts of wonderful mental health benefits.
Often times, long after one relationship has gone south, people still harbour feelings of resentment, fear and hurt that they carry over to their present relationship.
Mindfulness can control these emotions and turn them into logical internal dialogues so one can act in the best interest of one's new partner.

(2) pronounce positive words to yourself.
   Bad experiences can really affect one's self confidence. Showing yourself a little daily kindness can remind you that you are an awesome person with a lot to offer to the right person.
Encourage yourself with words that will raise your spirit knowing fully well that the situation won't last forever.

(3) Find the lesson in every situation
   There are no bad relationships, there are only relationship lessons. You may have not found the Mr. Right but you did meet a new friend .
Your experiences with this people will teach you more about yourself and what you are looking for.
Take some time to take some mental notes on where and why the relationships took a turn for the worst and always remind yourself that each disappointment is more relationship experience to sharpen your skills.

(4) Your license to reinvent.
   Faith McKinney, who's been divorced twice and has been remarried now for seven years thinks the new start is a positive change.
The great thing about bad relationship is that it is a license to reinvent yourself without your ex's input or criticism.
She eexplained " I learned to trust myself and that its okay to enjoy herself.. Even though it is very difficult emotionally, financially and socially, she survived twice.

Always remind yourself of your value, the dreams you hold dear. your values and dreams will always remind you of your worth and motivate you to strive and stay positive.

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6 attributes you should look out for in a man before going to the altar with him.

Stay positive
Stay Healthy.

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11 keys to having a healthy relationship

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