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Monday 26 October 2015

What Is Love? In The Youthful Sense: Part I

This is probably not one of my favorite topics to discuss because I fall into the category of those that believe in "reciprocation" when it comes to relationship. What that means in simple term is that; I only care when the other person care. And when he/she stops caring, then I stop caring too...

But that's not what love is all about, as a matter of fact, reciprocation as it is; is the exact opposite of what love is. Love does not care about what other people do in return; it's a one way thing in the literal sense of it.

I am tempted to quote a portion of the scripture right now, but I wouldn't because it would render this piece bias in its view. However, all spiritual teachings, even free thinkers and atheist believe in a common definition of love to be; an unconditional affection towards something or an individual. This definition is fairly broad, but I would prefer to leave it that way in other to drive home my point.

When something is defined as unconditional, it means no matter what comes up, it remains the same, take for instance your birth parent would always be your parent, either they are wealthy or poor. You would always have the same finger print, even when you have grey hair. These are simple examples most of us can relate to.

Obviously, some things are inseparable once they are instituted. That's what the basis of love is. From this broad definition and understanding, it's also obvious that it takes a lot of time to actually know (or be sure) that you love someone.

Sadly, the sacredness of this word "Love" has lost its value over years. Everybody now confess love, on social media, it's almost everywhere. Even kids that can't spell the synonyms of "love" correctly are also confessing love.

Before you go on to query/judge my perspective; let me point out that the context of love in this sense is the one you have towards a supposed friend in broad term, and in specific terms; the profession of love towards a friend of opposite sex (I wouldn't have it other way because homosexuality is not a choice in this regard).

As it is right now, the greatest amount of love you can get from fellow human being would always come from your immediate family (mother or father as the case may be). Often, children tend to love their mother more than the father; at least before the onset of puberty when the mother becomes the "enemy" as a result of strict discipline. (I still love my mother more...) This is why I would be using the case of a mother's love towards her child as a case study for this write-up.

Scientifically, it takes about nine month to conceive a baby, during this period of nine months; the mother goes about carrying the growing baby often in discomfort. She can't complain because she loves the baby.

After birth, it takes about three years before the baby starts differentiating between rights and wrong; so whatever the baby does within that period of time is always the right thing with the mother. She can't complain because she loves the baby.

From birth till adulthood, the mother would always bear the responsibility of the child's error, I know most of you can relate to this because often are times when you do something that gets your father upset, and it’s the mother that would eventually solicit on your behalf. She does that because she loves you.

Even when the child grows up and it's time to get married; probably when the child brings the fiancé home; the mother would eventually make ground rules, telling the wife to-be what she expects of her and all that. She keeps looking out for you because she loves you.

The love of a mother towards her child spans a life time. It's the basic prototype of what love really is. It defines the basis of what love is all about;

  •       Time
  •        Endurance
  •        Corrections
  •        Acceptance
  •        Care.

I would discuss each of these points in a series manner, for this particular edition, I would elaborate on Time and Endurance as a component of love.

TIME: Love is all about time. You can't really tell if you love somebody until you dedicate enough time for them. And that's exactly what the mother does. She literally puts her life on hold to watch you grow. In fact; for the first three years of your life, you would always come first in every decision she makes.

Loving somebody takes time, and you can't fast track the process. If it hasn't happened, it hasn't. You can only give it more time. And hope it would work out.

In the youthful sense of it; you can't profess you love someone until you've spent quality time with them, until you've known a larger percentage of their character, until you can take a specific guess about what they would do in certain circumstances.

So when next a stranger or fresh acquaintances with whom you’ve not spend quality time with, walks up to you and tell you s/he loves you. Educate him/her about love and time; tell him/her to go in peace and sin no more.

ENDURANCE: When the foetus keeps kicking in the mother's womb; it's not always comfortable. During pregnancy, the mother is always feeding for two as a life is growing inside of her. This makes it very difficult to eat whatever she wants, or go out and do whatever she wants; she can't because she's pregnant, and she's carrying the baby she loves.

Love endures; it doesn't get rid of others because it feels uncomfortable about their presence and action. Have you ever seen a mother abort her pregnancy because the baby keeps kicking in her womb and she feels uncomfortable?

In the youthful sense of it; you can't profess you love someone until you've endured and you're willing to keep enduring whatever comes your way both. When s/he gets angry over small issue that doesn't make sense to you, you endure! When s/he is broke and can't cater for your need, you endure.

So when a friend starts professing love, ask yourself if s/he has been an enduring friend in time past. 
Ask yourself how tolerable s/he is, if you can't give a definite answer on a scale of 1-10. Be nice to the friend; educate him/her about endurance and love. Tell them to enjoy the friendship until they understand the basis of endurance.

So let me ask you a question, are you really in love with whom you’ve profess your love?
For the fear of overwhelming you with what love is and what love is not, I would put an end to this first series at the level of endurance, the subsequent series will continue from this point, and you would be the first to know when it’s published on the blog.