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Saturday 5 September 2015

4 Things we can do to bring out the best in us to our relationships

Often times, we strive to create healthy and satisfying relationship. But sometimes, despite how much we may try, we are unable to do so. When this happens, here are the four things we can do to bring out the best in us to our relationship and in turn bring out the positive change we desire.

Understand your identity
To be your best self in your relationship, you have to develop your awareness of yourself. What you dream of, what you value, your strength, what ought to be done, what you endorse or oppose.

 All these help to identify ourselves and we can use that awareness to create relationship that is beneficial for anyone involved. This is the horizon within which you are capable of taking a stand.

Love yourself
Don’t ever criticize yourself. Don’t go around all day long thinking, I’m unattractive, I’m slow, I’m not as smart as others. God wasn’t having a bad day when he made you... if you don’t love yourself in the right way, you can’t love others.

Our limit in loving others comes from our inabilities to love ourselves. If you don’t love who you are and you are likely looking for someone to give you that sense of being loved. Indubitably, this is a starting point for lots of problem like dependency, fear of abandonment and fear of intimacy.
To really love ourselves, we need to see the unique value and intrinsic beauty of who we are, by encouraging ourselves on daily basis.

Own your stuff
Nothing makes relationship stronger than integrity. When things get difficult in a relationship, look for the way you have contributed to the problem. Simply ask yourself ‘’ is there anything i would have done better or differently if i had remain in full integrity?’’ if the answer is yes, then do your best to make right on what you know you could have done better.

When we are unclear about how our own issues influence our relationship we are likely to do unintentional damage. When we are unconscious of our unresolved feelings about our past, we are more likely to blame, shame and guilt others when those unresolved feelings are triggered.
It’s only when we are aware of our contributions to the state of our relationship and able to stay in our integrity that we can create environment in which our relationships can thrive.

Get rid of your past.
Everyone has history as times weans away. The memories will be good or bad and may fade away. However in many peoples lives, their past plays a prominent role, bringing out heartbreaking experiences at some instances. Know how to get rid of your oppressing past and to lead a life of success.

People often remember their past bad experiences at many instances in the present life. Lovers who have suffered the worst experience of rejection may not be able to trust the next person in their lives. It is the same case with someone who has endured an abusive relationship.

Always remember that when you succumb to your past, you are damaging your happiness as well as those related to you. Once you get out of a relationship, you must be brave at heart to face the consequences. Once you are brave at heart, neither your past nor the haunting ghosts from past can haul you to the unnecessary pits of misery.

Remain healthy.