7 Reasons Why People Stay in Unhealthy Relationships

Relationships aren't easy to walk away from, even when you know that it's not going to work out and situations hint that staying is a waste of time, you settle because the thought of walking away from something you've put years into breaks your heart.  

If you don’t like where you are in life, there comes a point when you must give up the part of you that’s keeping you back.

Walking away from unhealthy relationship is difficult. This is one of the reasons why people all over the world choose to stay in unhealthy or unfulfilling relationships, despite an inner witness urging them to leave. Rather than heed this warning, people seek out or invent reasons to justify staying.

What is it that keeps us to stick it out in these relationships that are clearly not healthy for us or our partner?
There are many reasons why men and women stay in an unhealthy relationship. 

The following will explain some of the reasons why people decide not to call it a quit in a harmful relationship.

Feeling it will get better.

If your relationship is not broken, there is no need to fix it. If it’s broken beyond repair, stop wasting your time and resources and accept that you need to throw it away.

There are some things that will get better with time while some will not. If you find out that you two are incompatible, the problem isn’t something that’s going to improve with time, but only increase your hatred over time, so therefore evaluate the severity of the problems and if they are worth the time and effort to fix.

Feeling of unworthiness

Low self-esteem keeps people in unhealthy relationships. When you don’t know how much you are actually worth, and when you haven’t found a way to accept, honour, love and respect all that you are, unconsciously or not, you will allow other people to treat you poorly.

You don’t have to work like a slave to make your relationship work. If it’s a constant struggle, and if it brings the worst out of both of you, it’s not really a healthy and loving relationship.

Do yourself a big favour and honestly evaluate and understand your motivations for staying in the relationship for so long. Remember that you are beautiful, handsome, worthy of love, and you deserve to have the love and respect that you want in a relationship.


Regret is not the pain or shame you will face when you call an unhealthy relationship a quit. It’s something that will come when you’re fifty years old and realize you have spent all your time with the wrong person. 

It’s hard breaking free from bad relationships because it means coming to terms that you stayed in a bad relationship for a long time, and facing the fact that it was a mistake.
 Facing the fact to quit rather than justifying your actions so that you never have to feel that you did something wrong is the best decision you could ever make.


Staying in an unhealthy relationship may keep you from being alone but it will not keep you from wishing you had someone who didn’t make you feel so lonely.

If the fear of being alone is keeping you in an unhealthy relationship, find some friends, family member to spend time with till you find the right person who will never make you feel lonely.

Relationships are not essential for survival, bad relationships are definitely more harmful to you than no relationship at all. Don’t think of what the morning will look like when you wake up alone.

''i hope you fall in love with someone who makes you question why you ever thought you would be better off alone''...- Macklemore

Security and comfort

There are so many people who care more about having security and comfort than they care about having peace of mind, because they assume that the separation from their partner would lead to all kind of inconveniences.

 They are so used to a certain lifestyle, and even though they are trapped and unhappy in their relationship, they stay for the security and the comfort.

For the many years they’ve shared their lives

The fact that you’ve invested so much of your time and resources in that relationship isn’t an excuse to stay in an unhealthy relationship.
Time is indeed one of the most precious things that people take from us, but the secret is, it’s never wasted.

 Every month, year we spend in a relationship that doesn’t work out is just a learning experience. And you should stop hurting yourself because of the time you’ve spent in the unfulfilling relationship by walking away from it.

You are afraid you won’t get someone better

You are afraid if you leave, you will feel desperate to find someone else quickly because you think you are running out of time. You may also feel that making things work is much better than having to start all over again, with someone new. None of these are good reasons to stay in a relationship it is not working.

If you are in a relationship and the connection has died and communication has stopped, take heart. You can begin to express yourself honestly and openly.
 While it may take time to reconnect with each other, if both partners are willing, it’s possible for the connection to eventually heal. Find things to do together that will allow for communication – and are fun.

Find out who you are to your partner and who your partner is to you. Take turns doing the things that you each enjoy. Pick something new to do together.
 If your partner is not able or is unwilling to communicate or respond to the process, you may have to consider the possibility of leaving. It is not healthy to stay in a relationship that won't allow you to be authentic...

why do you think good people stay in bad relationship? 

   -  Remain healthy...

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