10 Things People In Healthy Relationship Don't Do

Relationships aren’t easy. You have to dedicate your time, energy and resources to make sure that it grows stronger and healthier.                                                                                                                                                  If you are trying to improve your relationship, there are a lot of dos and don’ts.

Let’s take a look at some things people in healthy relationship don’t do...

(1)    They don’t expect perfection.
Relationships are not easy and don’t expect it to be. No one is created as a perfect being, and don’t expect perfection from your partner.
Expecting such from your partner will always end in disappointment. Only do that if you are perfect.
 Expecting the best from your partner isn’t wrong, it’s all about being real. You can only make things better by working on improvements rather than perfection.

(2)    They don’t fake feelings.
There is nothing better for your happiness and your relationship than to express your true feelings. Don’t pretend to be happy if you are not. Be real and honest.
 Don’t give a sign or an expression that all is well when it’s not. That is how you grow together.

(3)    They don’t fight to win but to fix.
In a healthy relationship, a fight means there is real effort on both sides to see the other person’s point of view, to understand each other’s feeling, and work towards an equitable resolution.
Communicating your needs lovingly, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, and finding resolutions are powerful tools to build intimacy, connection and trust. But in an unhealthy relationship, a fight is an avenue for payback.

(4)    They don’t focus on their partner’s flaws.
People in healthy relationship encourage each other. Everyone has imperfections, but they don’t make up the totality of someone’s character.
We choose where we want to place our attention. And as the saying goes, where an attention goes,
energy flows. The more you look for flaws, the more problem you create.
Always look for the best in your partner, see the beauty in them and not their flaws. Happy couples accentuate the positive.

(5)    They don’t give with expectation to receive.
In a healthy relationship we give out of love, empathy and mutual respect. Partners give just because they can and not because they expect in returns but in unhealthy relationships, giving is used as a tool to get something back in return.

(6)    They don’t hold grudges.
No one gets points for saying “I’m sorry”. Apologizing to your partner isn’t about making tiff go away, it’s about overcoming an issue as a team.
In a healthy relationship, you choose to be happy rather than being right. You can’t change the past but you can make peace with it by forgiving your loved ones.

(7)    They don’t talk when they need to listen.
It takes some courage to stand and speak. It takes even more to open one’s mind to listen.
Healthy relationships require some talking and a whole lot of listening. When you open your mind and ears to listen, you create a platform for the other person to express him/herself openly and really be understood.

(8)    They don’t communicate wrongly.
There is a difference between a complaint and a constructive comment. In healthy relationships, you communicate what you want. For instance, it’s much more effective to say “I need some money for my hair-do” rather than saying “you spend too much on drinking with your friends”
Your positive approach to things will definitely help to put your partner at ease rather than sending a signal of war.

(9)    They don’t keep secret.
Many believe trust is the foundation of every relationship, but there are a lot of things that actually make up the foundation.
Trust plays an integral role in building a relationship. When trust is broken in a relationship, it takes time and willingness on the part of both people involved to repair it and heal.
Always imbibe the idea to speak the truth no matter what the consequences. Being honest is the only way to be at peace with yourself and your partner.

(10)  They don’t take their relationship for granted.
Your inputs in your relationship breathe life into them. Paying close attention in your relationship is what should constantly happen because people need validation that they matter, even if they have a lot of confidence in themselves.
People in healthy relationships create time for their partner to show they care otherwise, their partner won’t feel they make any contribution or impact at all to make the relationship work.

Stay Healthy

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