How Your Relationship Affects Your Life Span

In life, we all are affected by one thing or the other.  Some choose to ignore them while some choose to work on them. But as much as you try to ignore it, you can’t separate your wellness from your emotions. Every feeling we have affects some part of our body, and they can wreck havoc on our physical health. 

I wish I had known what I’m about to share earlier as a biomedical student, it would have been of help to one of my cousins who lost all due to the fact that she isn’t aware of how her relationship could affect her health. 

Healthy relationship brings happiness, peace, and joy. And Studies shows that those who have happy relationships live longer than those who are into unhealthy relationships. 

Every outstanding performance of an individual is the product of the individual understanding and most people don’t really care to know how their relationship affects their health.

During one of my visit to Yaba psychiatric Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria, I was told by the attending doctor to act abnormal so as to get the patients’ attention… to be candid, it was funny and during our conversation he said most of the people in the ward I went to had psychic problem because of their inability to handle stress, shock, heartbreak which lead to their emotional trauma. All our feelings, positive or negative create physiological changes such as heart rate, respiratory rate, digestion and muscle energy level…

Depression, anxiety and stress affects our health irrespective of either we are into healthy or unhealthy relationship, but the effect is more tense to our health in unhealthy relationship.

Depression, anxiety and stress can’t be avoided in a relationship where:

·       > Responsibility that should be shouldered by two parties is been done by one, and failure to meet up with those expectations and demands leads to depression and stress which affect our health.

·      >   you present yourself  to be what you are not in your relationship and fail to meet up with those standards .

·       > you are in relationship with someone way out of your league and you are trying to catch up.

·       > There is financial instability, diminished excitement and relationship strife.

There are many more but let’s discuss how depression, anxiety and stress affect our health…

Depression, anxiety and acute stress cause an increase in the release of stress hormone such as cortisol, noradrenaline, adrenaline. During this period, the heart rate increases and blood vessel dilates, therefore increasing the blood pressure which can damage the heart muscle. The consistent and ongoing  increase in the heart rate and elevated levels of stress hormones can take a wreck on the body. Ultimately, it can lead to hypertension, heart palpitations, heart attack, stroke and if worsened , death.

Depression changes the brain and this affects a major part of the body system. e.g  Abnormal functioning of the brain messengers such as serotonin can alter your pain threshold, which makes you become more sensitive to pain, especially back pain…
When changes in the brain occurs, some common physical changes occur such as; increased aches and pains, chronic fatigue, decreased interest in sex, decreased appetite, insomnia i.e lack of sleep, or oversleeping.

Chronic stress is a major contributor to premature ageing. Stress shortens telomeres -structures of the end of chromosomes. So that new cell can`t grow as quickly. This leads to the inevitable signs of ageing such as wrinkles, weakness, poor eyesight...

Under stress, your liver produces extra blood sugar (glucose) to give you a boost of energy. Unused blood sugar is reabsorbed by the body. If you are under chronic stress your body may not be able to keep up with this extra glucose surge, and you may be at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The rush of hormones, rapid breathing and elevated heart rate can upset your digestion system, Sometime you are more likely to have heartburn or acid reflux.

Stress is exhausting for the body & for the mind. It`s not unusual to loose your desire for sex when you are under chronic stress.

In men, stress however may cause an increase in the male hormone testosterone release which may increase sexual arousal in the short time.

For woman, stress can attract the menstrual cycle (Read: Things you don`t know about menstruation) You might have irregular or no menstruation or heavier or more painful periods.
If stress continues for a long time, a man`s testosterone levels begin to drop. That can interfere with sperm production & cause erectile dysfunction or impotence.

Having  known that stress has an insidious way of undermining every aspect of our health and happiness, it is to our own advantage to deduce a means to relief ourselves of stress in other to revitalise and improve our health. 

 ways couples can help each other de-stress and improve their health:

1)    Encourage each other : You feel encouraged when your partner expresses confidence in you during those challenging times when you may be experiencing feelings of self doubt. Nothing lifts us up and restores our confidence like the encouragement of our special one. Mutual  encouragement is one of the most powerful antidotes your relationship needs,  and daily application of this will ease you of every stress and improve your health.
2)    Ask and don’t assume:
So often we get stressed because we are overwhelmed with too much to do, and we think our partners should be able to read our minds or know what we need. And when that happens, we find ourselves complaining either to ourselves, friends or mates. Ultimately, complaining is a form  of worsening your situation. Don’t assume your partner knows what is wrong about you, communicate it to him/her.

3)    Laugh together:
A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body.

Laughter can:
(a)  Stimulate many organs.  Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen- rich air, stimulates your heart rate, lungs, and muscles, and also increases the release of endorphins which helps to reduce stress.
(b) Soothe tension.  Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.
(c)  Relieve pain.   Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers. It also help to break the pain-spasm cycle which is common to some muscle disorders.
(d) Improve your mood.   Many people experience depression sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and make you feel happier.

4)    Consider what you can control and work on them.
While you can’t change what your boss does, what your in-law says, the economy state, you can change the way you react, the way you accomplish work, what you spend your money on.  You can’t control all things, your understanding about this will ease you of unnecessary stress. Lay your hand on projects that are visible and do them…

 These are four simple ways couples can relieve themselves of stress and  improve their health. We all  deserve the best, we can’t shy away from challenges, but we can control how they affects us… stress is what we deal with in our day to day activities, and how to handle those stress is to discover the source and both parties should try all they could to help each other overcome them...

